Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Arrow 7

Yes, I was wondering if you could tell me something about my car stereo?
*Ummm, I dunno...it sucks?* I'll try, what's the question?
When I puts a CD in, it say "Arrow 7".
Hmmm..., I've never heard of that message. Are you spelling that A-R-R-O-W 7?
Yes, A-R-R-O-W 7.
I'll have to ask the auto tech about that, be right back.

I go see the AT, he says, "It's 'Error 7', it means the laser's burned out. She can send it off for repair or replace the unit."

I go back to the idiot customer.
Ma'm, is it possible that it says "Error 7, E-R-R-O-R"?
Yeah, das right, 2 r-ahs.
*What...??? 2 r-ahs? What the fuck does that mean? It's the first letter that you've got wrong, not the number or "R-AHS". Never mind...*
The tech said the laser is burned out.....

First, she didn't know how to spell, then, she didn't know the difference between the word "Arrow" and the word "Error".

There's more than just the laser burned out here. (Thanx IngaOlgaHelga)