Saturday, September 18, 2010

Random Thoughts on Customers

It's been a long day, and we've had to deal with many, many idiots.

I wouldn't call them stupid because that would be giving them too much credit.

They have no business owning anything more technical than a rock...and even that might be pushing it.

I would just like to take a moment to express my frustration and loathing for these people and attempt to find some way I might curse, hex or otherwise place some kind of supernatural pox upon the genitals of them and all they love. 

Unfortunately, my attempts to locate such services online have yielded very little. Or more specifically, black magic appears to require a credit card and it is difficult to have any confidence in a hex when it requires $9.99 per target.

So I will merely sit here and hope that my dark, roiling thoughts can somehow inspire some sort of tick or lice to migrate into their home en mass and turn its attention solely south of the border. 

Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest Great White.