Mom, Dad, 23 y/o daughter come in looking for a computer.
Dad thinks he's a computer whiz, is looking to buy the very best in the store for his sweet daughter.
Daughter knows enough to know that she doesn't need as powerful and expensive a computer as Dad is looking at.
They're wanting to spend $1100 on the tower, $250 on a 23" LED monitor, poor daughter keeps telling them she doesn't need that much computer. She's a journalism major with a theater minor, and she's right, a middle-of-the-road computer will be just fine for her.
I pull daughter aside and ask her what she would get if it were up to her. She indicates exactly what I thought, middle-of-the-road computer, 20" lcd monitor.
Fortunately for the store, Dad prevails, and they get the >$1500 desktop package.
Fast forward to the next day.
Dad comes in, finds me, says, "I need another computer, I tried to uninstall something and didn't know what I was doing. They're going to exchange it for me."
I successfully keep myself from laughing, and get him his new tower.
Hope daughter can get some work done, she's gonna have a time avoiding Daddy!