Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mile-long Ethernet

I dunno why I always get these idiots, bad Karma I guess.
Semi-regular comes in, heads for the networking aisle.


I need a Wireless G.

*What the fuck...???* OK, a wireless g router, or adapter, or...?

Just a Wireless G.

*This idiot doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.* Ummm...I don't actually have a product called just "Wireless G", that's a standard for wireless networking.

Naw,'s something that you use to run the Internet over long distances. You got your router over here, and you run about a mile of Ethernet under ground, then you put in a Wireless G, and it can run another mile, and so on.

*YOU FUCKING IDIOT, HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF RESEARCH? IT'S WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE OF WHAT YOU WANT TO DO!* Ummm...actually the maximum cable length for Ethernet is 100 meters, or 328 feet. That's quite a bit less than a mile.

Naw, naw...I've seen this before, jus lemme look at what you got here, I'll find it.

OK, thanks for coming in.

(A few minutes later, I'm in that aisle again, and he's leaving.)

Find anything like what you wanted?


Well, good luck! *You brain dead, clueless, know-it-all!*